Pretty bad.
This game has some terrible issues.
At first, there's the engine. The hitTest is terrible. Sometimes I stop way before a wall, while at other times, i'm going through the wall. Besides that i would die while I was sure I didn't even hit the enemy, (aka purple box). To start off, you need to fix that. The engine is basically the whole playing experience, which has to be good. Just search some tutorials on the interwebs, or ask people for help at the forums.
The second point I want to mention is the very very long hallways. The hallways are just too long for the speed that the character has, especially when it's just a hallway without obstacles (which get better as the game pror\gresses).
And the last thing I want to say, is the graphics. Not the most important to me, especially when it's a test. But when you release a final version of this, fix that too.
Hope this helped,
You mentioned it is a test. What are you testing out?
-Positron of the Nuclear Teddies-